Exploring New Frontiers: The Impact and Utility of User Security Data in Web3, Highlighted by Asset Risk Analysis for Web3 Assets (Tokens/NFTs)

GoPlus Security
20 min readMar 28, 2024



Since its launch in 2021, GoPlus’s API has experienced a meteoric rise in daily query volumes, reflecting its increasing importance in the Web3 realm. Beginning with a modest few hundred queries each day, it has escalated to a staggering twenty million calls daily during peak market times, representing a growth of several thousand times in just three years. This remarkable expansion emphasizes a crucial dilemma within the Web3 community: effectively addressing user security concerns in a manner true to Web3’s decentralized, user-focused ethos. This involves not only setting fundamental security standards and proficiently managing data but also pioneering solutions that align with the decentralized nature of Web3.

Moreover, the GoPlus user data module has swiftly become a vital element across a diverse range of Web3 applications. Seamlessly integrated into the operations of top market sites like CoinMarketCap (CMC), CoinGecko, Dexscreener, Dextools, Ethscan, and Oklink, it also plays a pivotal role in leading decentralized exchanges (DEXs) such Sushiswap, and Kyber Network(also be quoted in UniSwap’s Docs). The module’s reach extends to a multitude of popular wallets, including Metamask Snap, Bitget Wallet, Safepal, and Token Pocket. Additionally, it’s nearly universally adopted by User Security Service Companies like Blowfish, Webacy, Kekkai, Trusta, Blockfence, Harpio, Chaintools, and Scamsniffer. The widespread implementation of GoPlus’s user data module is a clear indicator of its essential role in defining the security infrastructure of the Web3 ecosystem, asserting its vital presence in contemporary decentralized platforms.

Data Overview

Overview of API Calls

The digital revolution ushered in by Web3 technologies is reshaping the Internet’s infrastructure, transitioning from centralized systems to decentralized networks. This shift heralds a new paradigm for digital interactions, asset management, and online identity, with decentralized applications (dApps), cryptocurrencies, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) at its core. However, this evolution is not without its challenges, particularly in security and risk management. GoPlus’s API emerges as a pivotal tool in navigating this complex landscape, offering comprehensive insights into user security data to safeguard against evolving threats. This report delves into the usage statistics of GoPlus’s API, highlighting its critical role across various sectors of Web3.

GoPlus’s API suite is designed to address the multifaceted challenges of Web3 security by providing targeted data analysis across several key modules. Each module caters to a specific aspect of Web3 security, from assessing token risk to monitoring decentralized application (dApp) security. The following sections will introduce the types of APIs provided by GoPlus and analyze their usage, shedding light on the current state of demand for security solutions in the Web3 space.

  1. Token Security API: It identifies the asset risks associated with different types of tokens, helping users recognize and mitigate potential dangers.
  2. Malicious Address API: It catalogues and identifies addresses associated with malicious activities, enabling exchanges and wallets to protect their users from fraudulent transactions.
  3. NFT Security API: It provides comprehensive risk information for individual NFT assets. It aids users in identifying potentially malicious or scam assets to prevent financial losses
  4. Approval Security API: It is designed to inspect all authorization data under a user’s address, aiding users in understanding all their current authorizations and identifying potential risks associated with certain approvals. This tool is essential for users to maintain control and enhance the security of their digital assets.
  5. dApp Security Info API: Provides security data and risk assessment for decentralized applications, helping users to identify and mitigate potential risks.

Token Risk API Usage

The trend in the usage of GoPlus’s Token Risk API from November 2022 to January 2024, as depicted in the chart, shows a marked increase in the volume of daily API calls. Starting from a lower base at the beginning of the chart, there has been a gradual uptick in usage over several months.

Notably, from the beginning of 2023, there was a steady increase in daily average calls, reflecting a growing demand in the market for token risk assessments. From November 2023, there was a significant rise in the daily average usage, with some months witnessing daily averages reaching the staggering figure of 20 million calls. This surge likely correlates with changes in market dynamics, new token issuances, or significant events, leading to heightened user engagement and the need for token risk evaluations.

Following these peaks, while there have been fluctuations, the daily call volumes remained at a relatively high level, indicating a sustained demand for the Token Risk API and a continuous focus on token security within the market. The variability and spikes in usage could suggest the market’s reaction to specific events or emerging token risks.

In summary, the substantial growth in the daily average use of GoPlus’s Token Risk API, from 1 million to peaks of over 27 million, highlights the increasing demand and activity within the Web3 community regarding token risk identification and management. This also emphasizes the crucial role of the GoPlus API in assisting users to promptly identify and address potential token risks.

NFT Risk API Usage

This data illustrates the usage of GoPlus’s NFT Risk API from November 2022 to January 2024. The data demonstrates the varying levels of engagement with the API, highlighting significant fluctuations in usage over time. Initially, there was a noticeable spike in API calls in December 2022 and February 2023, indicating a heightened awareness or increased incidents requiring risk assessment in the NFT space during these periods.

Following these peaks, there’s a visible decrease, but with several smaller spikes through March to May 2023, reflecting ongoing concerns and the dynamic nature of NFT market risks. The usage then stabilizes but starts to gradually increase again from August 2023, suggesting a steady growth in the adoption of NFTs and a corresponding rise in the need for risk evaluation.

The data from this chart is crucial as it shows the real-time demand for NFT risk assessments, reflecting the community’s response to the evolving threat landscape within the NFT ecosystem. This usage pattern underscores the importance of such tools in enabling users, investors, and creators within the Web3 space to navigate the complexities and mitigate the inherent risks associated with NFTs.

Malicious Address API Usage

The significant increase in malicious address API usage reported by GoPlus marks a crucial development in safeguarding users from financial crimes within the Web3 space. From approximately 10.5 million calls in January 2023 to over 30 million by July, this growth reflects not just an alignment with regulatory requirements but also a proactive approach by digital asset platforms to protect users from fraud and malicious activities.

By utilizing the malicious address API, platforms can identify and flag addresses associated with known fraudulent, phishing, and other malicious activities. This service is vital in preventing users from inadvertently interacting with these malicious addresses, significantly reducing their risk of potential financial loss. The increase in API calls indicates that more platforms and users are recognizing and leveraging these tools to enhance their security measures.

The application of the malicious address API demonstrates a commitment not only to regulatory compliance but importantly, to the active protection of user assets. By providing users with real-time data about potential malicious addresses, GoPlus helps establish a more transparent and secure digital asset environment where users can transact and invest with greater confidence, knowing they are protected.

Therefore, the rise in usage of the malicious address API reflects not just an industry determination to combat financial crime but more significantly, a substantial emphasis on user safety and trust. This trend illustrates the important strides being made in the Web3 ecosystem towards ensuring user security, maintaining platform integrity, and fostering healthy development.

dApp Security API Usage

The GoPlus dApp Security API is designed to provide comprehensive risk information on various decentralized applications (dApps), assisting users in identifying malicious dApps and those with potential risks and vulnerabilities. The goal of this service is to protect user assets and ensure safer transactions and interactions within the Web3 ecosystem.

The data shows a general increase in API usage over time, indicating a growing concern and awareness among the Web3 community regarding the security of decentralized applications. Notably, there are significant spikes in usage, particularly noticeable around March 2023 and another sharp increase around May 2023, which could reflect periods of heightened security concerns, possibly due to an increase in dApp vulnerabilities or notable security incidents within the Web3 space.

Following these peaks, the API usage shows a more stable yet elevated level, suggesting that the initial reactive measures may have transitioned into more consistent, ongoing monitoring and risk assessment practices among dApp developers and users. The steadier usage from September 2023 onwards might indicate that the community has begun to integrate security checks into their regular workflow, reflecting a maturation in the approach towards dApp security.

However, while the graph shows an overall trend of increased usage, it’s crucial for the Web3 community to maintain vigilance. The consistent high level of API calls suggests that security concerns remain prevalent and that there is an ongoing need for monitoring and protecting against dApp vulnerabilities. This data underscores the importance of continuous improvement in security practices and the value of tools like GoPlus’s dApp Security API in contributing to a safer Web3 ecosystem.

Approval Security API Usage

This data illustrates the usage trend of GoPlus’s Approval Security API from November 2022 to January 2024. The API is designed to help users inspect the authorization status of assets within their wallets and identify any dangerous or malicious approvals, thereby safeguarding their digital assets.

From the chart, we can see that the daily average usage of the API started at a relatively low level in November 2022. However, as time progressed, especially starting from March 2023, there was a gradual increase in call volume, reflecting a growing interest and need among users to monitor and manage their wallet authorization situations. This uptick may be associated with the expansion of the crypto market, heightened security awareness among users, or increasing concerns about malware and scam activities.

Particularly, between May and July 2023, there are notable spikes in usage, likely related to specific security incidents or widely reported issues regarding wallet security, prompting more users to employ this API to check and review their asset authorizations to prevent potential financial loss.

Moving into the second half of 2023 and the beginning of 2024, the usage of the API continues to remain at a high level, indicating an ongoing concern among users to maintain wallet security and avoid malicious authorizations. This sustained high volume of calls also highlights the significance of approval security in the management of crypto assets and the proactive approach of the community in addressing and mitigating security threats.

In summary, the usage trend of GoPlus’s Approval Security API reflects the growing attention and demand within the crypto community regarding the security of asset authorizations, underscoring the importance of such tools in protecting user wallet safety.

Overview of Risk Data


This section explores the dynamics of scam tokens within the Web3 ecosystem, providing a detailed analysis of trends and quantities over time. The data from September 2022 to February 2024 shows significant fluctuations in the presence of high-risk tokens, reflecting a volatile threat landscape that demands ongoing vigilance.

Key Findings:

  • Risk Trends: The initial data points highlight a concerning trend of tokens with risks such as “is blacklisted,” and “is honeypot,” indicating a sophisticated landscape of user security threats. The sharp rise and eventual decline in tokens capable of taking back ownership or being identified as honeypots emphasize the evolving tactics of malicious actors.
  • Complexity in Trust and Verification: Throughout 2023, an increase in “is mintable” and “is open source” tokens alongside a spike in “is anti_whale” measures points to a growing complexity in managing trust and verification within the ecosystem. This complexity underscores the continuous challenge of balancing openness and security.
  • Security Measures and Their Effectiveness: The marked increase in “is mintable” tokens and “external call” risks by early 2024, followed by a significant reduction in key risk indicators by February 2024, suggests a pivotal shift. This could indicate effective countermeasures, a change in attacker strategies, or a broader transformation in Web3 security practices.
  • Adaptability of Threat Actors and Community Response: The fluctuating data underscores the adaptability of threat actors to exploit vulnerabilities and the Web3 community’s response in implementing security measures. The significant drop in “is blacklisted” tokens by February 2024 may reflect successful interventions or a strategic pivot by malicious entities.


  • Need for Dynamic Security Strategies: The evolving nature of threats and countermeasures highlighted in the data underscores the critical need for robust, adaptable security strategies within the Web3 ecosystem. Stakeholders must remain vigilant, continuously updating and refining security practices in response to emerging threats.
  • Importance of Community Collaboration: The data points to the effectiveness of collective efforts in identifying and mitigating risks. Collaboration across developers, platforms, and users is essential for maintaining a secure and trustworthy ecosystem.
  • Future Research and Development Focus: The trends suggest areas for further research and development, particularly in enhancing verification processes, improving transparency without compromising security, and developing more sophisticated anti-manipulation measures.
  • Regulatory and Policy Considerations: The fluctuating landscape of malicious tokens may inform future regulatory discussions and policy formulations, emphasizing the need for flexible frameworks that can adapt to the fast-evolving digital asset space.


This subsection provides an in-depth analysis of the quantity and trends concerning NFTs flagged for potential risks. Our examination is grounded in a comprehensive dataset spanning from October 2022 to February 2024, which details various risk indicators such as open source NFTs, privileged operations (burn and minting), restricted approvals, self-destruct mechanisms, and unauthorized transfers.

Key Findings:

  1. Exponential Increase in NFT Risks: The data shows a dramatic rise in the number of NFTs associated with security risks. This includes a significant increase in privileged operations such as burning and minting, with privileged minting numbers rising from 9,856 in October 2022 to a peak of 92,407,524 in October 2023 before a sharp decline. This indicates a burgeoning security concern as the market expands.
  2. Surge in Self-Destruct Actions: The self-destruct metrics, which are indicative of potential fraud or malicious intent within contracts, saw an enormous increase, peaking at 89,922,986 in October 2023. This trend underscores the critical need for enhanced security measures to mitigate self-destructive actions that can lead to loss of assets.
  3. Variability in Risk Trends: While most risk indicators saw a general increase, there was a noticeable decline in all categories by February 2024. This drop could reflect the implementation of better security practices, a shift in attacker strategies, or changes in market dynamics.
  4. Restricted Approvals Remain Constant: Despite fluctuations in other metrics, the number of restricted approvals remained relatively stable, suggesting that this risk vector is not as significantly impacted by the expanding market as others.


  1. Need for Enhanced Security Protocols: The exponential growth in NFT-related risks, particularly in privileged operations and self-destruct actions, underscores the urgent need for developers and platform operators to implement robust security measures. This could include more rigorous smart contract audits, the adoption of secure coding practices, and the implementation of real-time monitoring systems to detect and respond to suspicious activities.
  2. Evolving Risk Landscape: The sharp decline in risk indicators in early 2024 suggests a potential shift in the security landscape of the NFT market. Stakeholders must stay abreast of these changes, adapting their security strategies to address new and emerging threats effectively.
  3. Educating NFT Users: Given the complexity and novelty of risks associated with NFTs, there is a critical need for education among users. Awareness campaigns and educational resources can help users understand the risks and take proactive steps to protect their digital assets.
  4. Regulatory and Policy Implications: The data highlights the need for clearer regulatory frameworks to govern NFT markets. This includes policies that address the unique risks posed by NFTs and guidelines for the responsible creation, sale, and transfer of these digital assets.

In conclusion, the data presented in this analysis not only sheds light on the current state of security risks in the NFT space but also emphasizes the ongoing need for vigilance and innovation in digital asset protection. As the market for NFTs continues to grow, so too does the complexity of its security challenges, making it imperative for all participants to contribute to a safer and more secure Web3 environment.

Usage Analysis

Top 10 Blockchains supported

As public chain ecosystems continues to evolve, the GoPlus token risk API usage metrics from October 2022 to January 2024 provide insightful glimpses into user engagement and the security landscape across various blockchain ecosystems. This period offers a detailed exploration of user preferences and the perceived risks within each platform, reflecting the dynamic nature of blockchain technology and its users’ proactive stance in maintaining security.

Binance Smart Chain (BNB Chain) has emerged prominently, with its token risk information being accessed a staggering 92.27 million times during this period. This significant volume not only underscores BNB Chain’s widespread adoption but also reflects the community’s proactive approach towards identifying and mitigating potential token risks.

Ethereum (ETH) follows closely with 84 million queries, highlighting its pivotal role in the decentralized applications sphere. The extensive volume of inquiries during this timeframe signifies Ethereum’s large user base and their commitment to maintaining vigilance against vulnerabilities, scams, and other security threats.

Polygon is recognized as a critical player with nearly 9.8 million queries, underscoring its importance in delivering scalability solutions. This metric illuminates the growing concern for asset security within its network, marking Polygon’s vital contribution to the broader blockchain ecosystem.

Emerging platforms like Arbitrum and Avalanche, with 4.36 million and 3.7 million queries respectively, illustrate the community’s keen interest in groundbreaking scaling solutions. These figures, gathered over the specified duration, reflect significant user engagement, fueled by the determination to protect assets on these innovative platforms.

Fantom (Ftm) and Base, attracting 1.81 million and 1.27 million queries respectively, highlight noticeable traction in the DeFi sector. This activity signals the community’s pursuit of secure and reliable investment avenues within decentralized finance, evidenced through the query volumes during the analysis period.

Lastly, Optimism, Heco, and zkSync Era serve as prime examples of emerging public chain ecosystems, drawing attention despite their comparatively lower query volumes, ranging from 1.1 million to 851,149 during the analysis period. The engagement with these platforms indicates a significant aspect of the blockchain community’s evolution — its openness to innovation and its vigilant approach towards identifying and mitigating risks in emerging ecosystems.

Top 10 Projects

In the Web3 ecosystem, the usage data of the Token Risk API for the top ten projects reveals their substantial user base and high demand for security. The widespread application of this API by these projects indicates their proactive efforts in identifying and mitigating potential token risks, demonstrating the significant attention users place on security measures.

  • Dexscreener: DEX Screener is a leading DeFi analytics platform that allows users to track activity on decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges across a large number of blockchain networks.
  • Bitget Wallet: Bitget Wallet connects users to over 90 major blockchains. It acts as a top DEX aggregator, ensuring users access the best prices from decentralized exchanges. Additionally, this crypto wallet allows exploration of a wide range of premium cryptocurrencies and digital assets.
  • CMC (CoinMarketCap): The premier price-tracking website for crypto assets, CMC plays a crucial role in providing accurate and timely market data. Its commitment to data integrity and security awareness educates and empowers users in navigating the crypto market.
  • GeckoTerminal: A comprehensive platform that offers real-time data and analytics for blockchain assets. GeckoTerminal’s emphasis on data accuracy and user-centric tools supports informed trading and investment decisions within the Web3 ecosystem.
  • OKX: A global cryptocurruency exchange that provides a secure and efficient platform for trading various digital assets. OKX’s dedication to security measures and user education underscores its role in fostering a safer trading environment.
  • Dextools: DEXTools is an app and ecosystem for traders that offers information about all the decentralized markets. By integrating blockchain data into one unified UI, DEXTools offers you a comprehensive view of your investments, trading, and the current state of the cryptomarket.
  • TokenPocket: A comprehensive multi-chain wallet that supports a wide array of cryptocurrencies. TokenPocket’s focus on security features and ease of use makes it a trusted choice for managing digital assets.
  • ApeSpace.io: An innovative platform that offers tools and analytics for DeFi and NFT projects. ApeSpace.io’s commitment to providing accurate and secure data analytics tools empowers users to make informed decisions.
  • Blowfish: Blowfish is a security platform that helps wallets & applications protect their users against scams, hacks, and mistakes across 10+ blockchains. Wallets & applications use Blowfish throughout their user experience.
  • Webacy: Webacy is a suite of tools to improve the safety of self-custody. Compatible with any wallet, (BYOW: Bring Your Own Wallet) get set up with Wallet Watch, Backup Wallet, Panic Button, and more.

Risk Analysis

This section is meticulously crafted to provide an in-depth analysis of the risks specifically faced by users in the Web3 environment. It focuses on detailing the nature and extent of security threats that impact users, offering a comprehensive overview of the prevalent challenges in this rapidly evolving ecosystem.

Top 10 Token Risk

In the rapidly evolving Web3 ecosystem, understanding and mitigating token risks is paramount for ensuring user security and trust. Our comprehensive analysis, backed by extensive data, reveals the top 10 token risks, underscoring prevalent threats that demand heightened awareness and robust protective measures.

  1. Mintable (478,768,579 instances): The ability to mint new tokens poses the highest risk, primarily due to the potential for diluting existing token value and enabling unauthorized supply inflation. This risk necessitates the implementation of stringent governance protocols and audit mechanisms to prevent misuse.
  2. Not Open Source (419,432,715 instances): While fostering transparency and community engagement, open source codebases are susceptible to exploitation if not properly secured. This underscores the importance of rigorous security practices, including regular audits and bug bounty programs, to safeguard against vulnerabilities.
  3. AntiWhale (266,063,789 instances): Designed to prevent market manipulation by large holders, these mechanisms must be carefully balanced to ensure they do not inhibit market liquidity or unfairly penalize legitimate trading strategies. Continuous evaluation and adjustment of these mechanisms are essential to maintain fairness and market integrity.
  4. AntiWhale Modification (161,502,760 instances): The ability to modify anti-whale mechanisms presents both opportunities for adaptation and risks of manipulation. Transparent governance processes and community involvement in decision-making can mitigate these risks.
  5. BlackList Function (131,122,325 instances): While intended for user protection, blacklisting can lead to exclusionary practices and centralized control issues. Establishing clear criteria and appeals processes can help balance security needs with fairness and transparency.
  6. WhiteList Function (125,474,935 instances): Similar to blacklisting, whitelisting ensures preferential access or security measures but risks creating a walled ecosystem. Transparent selection criteria and equal opportunity mechanisms are vital for maintaining an inclusive ecosystem.
  7. Ownership Retrieval (90,366,583 instances): The capacity for contract owners to reclaim ownership can undermine trust in decentralized applications. Implementing immutable ownership structures or decentralized governance models can help mitigate these concerns.
  8. Honeypots (62,138,548 instances): Deceptive contracts designed to trap investors highlight the need for user education and sophisticated analysis tools to identify and avoid such schemes.
  9. Trading Cooldowns (54,848,374 instances): While intended to prevent abuse, trading cooldowns can restrict legitimate trading activities. Balancing these measures with the need for market fluidity is crucial for a healthy trading environment.
  10. External Calls (40,939,364 instances): The integration with external contracts or addresses introduces dependencies and potential exploitation vectors. Ensuring rigorous vetting and monitoring of external integrations is essential for maintaining contract security.

Top 10 Malicious Token

Our investigation into the Web3 landscape has uncovered ten tokens exhibiting characteristics that classify them as particularly malicious. These tokens, distributed across chain IDs with a notable concentration on chain ID 56 (Binance Smart Chain) and chain ID 137 (Polygon Chain), present various risks to users, ranging from being unable to sell the token, to more deceptive tactics like honeypots.

Key Findings:

  1. Widespread Impact: The holder count for these tokens ranges dramatically, with the highest observed at 2,454,129 and the lowest at 497,211. This indicates a significant number of users are potentially at risk from these malicious tokens.
  2. Honeypot Schemes: A common threat among these tokens is the honeypot scheme, trapping the user’s investment. This tactic is employed by multiple tokens in the list, highlighting the sophistication of scams within the ecosystem.
  3. Deceptive Practices: Many of these tokens are linked to phishing activities, aiming to deceive users into revealing sensitive information. This underscores the critical need for enhanced security measures and user education.
  4. Variability in Risk: While all tokens listed are identified as malicious, there’s variability in their operations. For instance, one token (address: 0x4865e1a37409209dabe288bcb539e86b774aad2c) not only operates as a honeypot but is also linked to the same creator as other honeypots, suggesting a network of malicious intent.
  5. Price Manipulation: The presence of tokens with assigned prices, despite their malicious nature, indicates attempts at price manipulation. This can lure users into investing under the guise of profitability.

The data suggests a pattern of malicious activities concentrated on certain chains, indicating potential vulnerabilities or preferred targets by bad actors. This insight can guide targeted interventions and the development of chain-specific security enhancements.

Top 10 Malicious NFT

This analysis examines ten NFT contracts identified as high-risk due to their linkage to phishing activities. These contracts, all on-chain ID 137, represent a significant threat to user security in the Polygon chain. By analyzing the data, we aim to highlight the extent of these risks and the importance of vigilant security measures for users engaging with NFTs.

  1. Prevalence of Privileged Minting: Each of the top 10 contracts has been flagged for privileged minting rights, indicating that the creators can mint new NFTs at will, potentially flooding the market with malicious assets. This is a common tactic in phishing and scam operations, where trust in a seemingly legitimate contract is exploited to distribute harmful assets.
  2. Scale of Exposure: The number of NFT holders impacted by these contracts is alarming. The contract with the highest exposure has 1,844,159 holders, suggesting a vast network of potentially compromised users. This underscores the need for robust security measures and education in the NFT community to prevent widespread exploitation.
  3. Concentration of Risk: The data reveals a significant concentration of risk within the top few contracts. The first two contracts alone account for over 3.6 million affected users, highlighting a critical vulnerability point within the ecosystem. It suggests that targeted interventions at the most significant sources of risk could have a considerable impact on improving overall user security.
  4. Patterns of Malicious Activity: The linkage to phishing activities across all ten contracts indicates a prevalent method of attack within the NFT space. Phishing remains a highly effective tool for bad actors, exploiting the trust and interest of users in new or promising NFT projects. This pattern calls for increased scrutiny of contract origins and heightened awareness among users regarding the signs of phishing scams.
  5. Implications for User Security: The widespread nature of these high-risk contracts points to a broader issue within the Web3 and NFT ecosystem regarding user security. There’s a critical need for enhanced protective measures, including better vetting processes for NFT contracts, improved user education on security practices, and more robust detection mechanisms for identifying and flagging malicious activity early.


The findings of this report emphasize the critical need for security measures and effective risk management strategies in the expanding Web3 ecosystem. The high utilization of GoPlus’s security data across different sectors shows a definitive and increasing requirement for sophisticated tools that ensure the protection of digital assets, the authenticity of NFTs, the safety of decentralized applications, and compliance with regulatory standards.

The revealed data highlights a harsh reality: over 200 million scam addresses have been recorded, demonstrating the vast scope of the challenge and the crucial role that GoPlus’s API plays in combating these risks. This service provides essential data analysis, aiding various stakeholders in the Web3 domain to operate with heightened security and confidence.

Additionally, the analysis on the usage of the top 10 blockchains and projects, along with the detailed risk examination, presents invaluable insights into user engagement and the dynamic threat landscape. This information is crucial for all parties involved in the Web3 sector to make well-informed decisions, reduce risks, and leverage the opportunities offered by this transformative technology.

In conclusion, the importance and impact of security data in Web3, exemplified by GoPlus’s security offerings, are profound. As the Web3 environment continues to develop, the necessity for advanced, comprehensive security solutions becomes increasingly apparent. It’s imperative for dApps and other Web3 entities to prioritize the integration of such security measures to protect their ecosystems, sustain user trust, and encourage a safer digital future. The journey ahead is uncharted, but with a steadfast focus on security, the full potential of Web3 can be achieved.



GoPlus Security

Empowering a #SaferWeb3 with user-driven, open access security solutions. Championing user education for a fortified front against adversaries.